Your womb is full of pure love
A vibrant, humming and warm nest
In her, life energy flows in cycles of
Receiving, creating and releasing
Always in motion
A portal to the divine mother
Connecting us all

But our wonderful wombs are often filled with
Pain, trauma and lots of tears
Of yourself and generations of mothers before you
Blocking the flow of love and creation
In your life and in your body

It’s time to awaken the magnificent power
and the ancient wisdom
of your womb

Introducing the Sacred Womb Ceremony

a profound 1-on-1 experience of womb healing and energetic rebirth

Experience the transformative power of the Sacred Womb Ceremony, an intimate and personalized journey into the wisdom and love of the womb. This sacred ritual is designed to heal and clear your womb. We all hold grief, pain and trauma in our pelvic areas. This may be due to experiences in this life, but they may also have arisen from unresolved issues in other lifetimes, previous generations and from our collective consciousness. As for ages, the feminine has been suppressed, and the womb as the center of the feminine, has closed off energetically in many women. In this ceremony we release those energetic and emotional blockages obstructing your connection with your beautiful underbelly. 

In a safe and nurturing ceremonial space, you will be gently guided to connect with the sacred essence of your womb, embracing its divine wisdom and power. Neoshamanic quantum healing, rituals, a guided meditation and womb talk will be part of the ceremony. 

This sacred ritual was gifted by Anna, grandmother of Yeshua, to Alaya Melchizedek, who taught me. And I feel honored to share it with you.

    Your womb has much influence on: 

    • your energy and lust for life
    • your creative power
    • the way your emotions can move through your body naturally
    • your sensuality, intimicy and love making
    • how you can open up to others and give & receive from them
    • your relationships
    • how safe, centered and grounded you feel
    • JOY!
    • codependent, pleasing and fawning behaviour
    • your wellbeing in general

    “Instead of a place of pain and fear,
    my womb has become 
    a space of joy and inspiration.”

    Me and my womb

    For me, my womb, yoni and ovaries have been a space of pain and trauma since my childhood. 

    A place of pain and tears

    Looking back, I feel that I closed my womb off early on, because of several sexual assaults. I developed endometrioses and had severe pain every month since I was 14. I couldn’t function, crawled on the floor and fainted from the pain.

    Finally, when I was 20, they discovered huge cysts in my ovaries and the doctors told me I would probably never be able to have children.

    Big chance that I would never become a mother. And that was the only thing I always knew I was: a mother. Years of surgery, tears, grief, pain and heavy  hormonal medication followed. Then finally being pregnant and birthing my children when I was around 35: it was everything I always wanted and I felt horrible. Again. Especially birthing my youngest daughter was a traumatic experience. 

    Generational trauma & karma

    I now see all the (ancestral) karma, all the lines and signs in my family. How awful my own birth was, both to my mom and me as a baby. I had always known my path was to become a mother. But it was not an easy path, to say the least. With my womb full of tragedy, it was hard to ‘create’ children.

    womb; baarmoeder; womb ceremony; femke klomp; healing; energy work; second chakra; karma; neoshamanic; quantum healing

    Transformation to a space of joy and sparkles

    A lot has changed. My womb feels sparkling, full of energy now. She sings and hums and chatters to other wombs. My ovaries feel more and more clear and light. I can have sex with my husband in a completely different way, deeply connected and surrendered. I can now truly receive him completely, no holding back. The channel of creation feels open now. My breath has changed. I feel grounded, safe. Most of the time 😉

    Instead of a place of pain and fear, my womb has become a place of joy and inspiration. Not always, but more and more. It’s an ongoing process. 


    And I wish you the very same…

    Super effective and heartwarming. That’s how I would summarize Femke’s healings. I have received several remote healings from her. The healings have accelerated my personal process enormously and gave me a lot of energy. She has cleared out deep rooted beliefs and patterns from other lives. Now I can be myself even more. I experience my own strength more. I experience less blocks and obstacles and more flow in my personal and business life. Femke is a warm, modest healer. She is very precise and gives space for my own interpretation. The symbols she sees and speaks about are spot on, making it easy for me to recognize and see patterns. Her reports about what she did and observed are clear, down to earth and well explained. In the sessions she is warm, personal, funny and sincerely interested. Her aftercare is perfect! I would definitely recommend her.

    Nathasja Gootjes


    • A deep neoshamanic quantum healing to release all that is not love from the womb and filling the womb space with divine love. Including karma clearing, rebirthing, 8 immortal cells restoration, astral object and imprinted program clearing
    • In a sacred ceremonial container, guided by Mary Magdalene and the Sisterhood of the Rose
    • Shamanic journey to connect deeper with your womb
    • Rituals, womb talk and a personal message for your womb
    • A guided meditation in mp3 and a pdf with practices to deepen your relationship with your womb

    Location & Time:

    The womb ceremony takes place in my studio in Bemmel, in the Netherlands or online in Zoom. The ceremony will take 3 hours.


    €300,- taxes included


    When enjoying the ceremony in person in my studio, you also receive:

    • A Sacred Womb essential oil roller to use on your womb
    • Water, herbal teas and light snacks

    Book your ceremony

    Would you like to book a Sacred Womb Ceremony? You can send me a message at or through this form and I’ll get in touch with you. You can also let me know if you have any questions.

    13 + 4 =