My biggest dream is a world of peace for all children.
I wish for them to feel loved, safe, nurtured and held.
And for them to freely follow their own path and express their unique selves.
To enjoy life fully.
That is a world we can create together.
For them and for ourselves.

We are being called to open up to who we truly are
In these times of transition, I regard it as my mission to guide people in the process of freeing themselves from fight – flight – freeze mode to live life fully and follow their own inner wisdom and I have dedicated my life to that. I support people to unleash themselves with the love of god from whatever is blocking them, so their true essence can shine brightly. I guide them towards trust onto the path that is calling.
And move from control to everyday magic
The magic of witnessing people going through the process of embracing themselves as perfectly imperfect human beings, aligning their lives with the divine plan, taking bold steps into the unknown and then experiencing daily miracles is my biggest reward.
I see you. I feel you. I hear you.
And I am with you.
The Shackles Detective
From a very early age I have felt an immense love for humanity and had a sharp eye for energy that is blocked, held back, or not in alignment. Like an X-ray machine, my high sense perception shows the root cause of what is holding energy back, so that’s why I sometimes call myself the Shackles Detective. I have this deep, innate urge to clear, comfort and move this stagnant energy, so love, truth, sparkles and peace can emerge naturally.
Each shackle we break through is a healing for all of us
The ripple effect of our own personal healing journey is bigger than we realize. We as adults, even if we are not parents, have a big impact on the children on our earth. Each shackle you break through, you free for those who are yet to come. Together we can create powerful, loving communities connected energetically like a grid all over the world. And that all starts with our own personal healing journey…
Femke is such a beautiful soul full of compassion, wisdom, and kindness. She has an extremely intuitive capacity with a clear vision and understanding. She has a very special gift for finding the root cause and healing and realigning the human energy field and releasing blocks from this lifetime, past lifetimes, and the ancestral lineage.
This is me
My first name is Femke, meaning Little Woman, and I spread divine love from the small town of Bemmel in the Netherlands, by the river Waal, where I live with my husband Matti, who’s a helicopter pilot, and our daughters Liva and Madée.
My life’s journey took a flight when I became a mother
When I became a mother, I got stuck in my own imprinted programs and the patterns in my ancestral line. I felt a deep, deep calling to free myself and our daughters from those patterns. It was my big wish they would feel the safety and freedom to be their authentic selves and to take their own steps on their life’s path, not living out the trauma and karma of centuries ago.
That’s when my journey on my evolutionary pathway really took off, changing my life forever. You can read more about me and my journey in my Unleashing Stories. From a life filled with overthinking and worry, with a very active and strict inner critic, living from fear and control, I now live my purpose with a peaceful mind and a big open heart, deeply connected to the divine and the earth. Although moments of uncertainty, fear and self-doubt still arise every now and then, they no longer hold sway over me. I feel free!
A loving space holder for the embodiment of your essence
I serve as a guide, a ‘grandmother’, healer and catalyst of your evolutionary path. The combination of my 20 years of experience as a life coach with a profound background in behavioral science, and the healing arts provides a solid and loving container for life changing embodiment of your essence. Rituals and ceremonies help mark and bring depth to this transformational work.
Part of my work is dedicated to coaching and mentoring conscious teachers.
I have been part of the Neo Shamanic Society for four years now and I feel honored to say that I guide the first year students as a mentor and that I am part of Christof’s personal healing team.
Femke is a wonderfully talented healer. She has been part of my personal healing team over the last couple of years. I have got enormous amounts out her beautiful feminine healing touch and support in my own personal process.