Unleashing Stories
These are the stories of us unleashing our power
The energy that has been suppressed to be safe and to fit in
Tears may roll for every armor that protected us
And for all of the light we kept hidden within
We are safe now
Safe to be our true self and unleash our essence
How a stick transformed our marriage
The power of holding space - We are sitting on a beautiful bed by a fireplace. Face to face, cross-legged. We look into each other’s eyes. I feel his love for me and it completely fills me up. At the same time, I feel both guilt and openness to say what I feel in my...
Autumn Equinox Reflection
Autumn Equinox Reflection Today is the autumnal equinox. That is the day when day and night are the same length all over the world. The perfect balance between dark and light. And in the Northern Hemisphere we are slowly entering the days where the nights are getting...
Creating Space
Allowing emotions, thoughts, experiences and sensations to be , creates space to be filled with the deep, infinite love of god.